martes, 5 de octubre de 2010


Exercise I1.Although women with syphilis of many years duration are not likely to bear syphilitic children
Differentiation is often impossible.

2.Although treatment with penicillin is of considerable value when given during the last months of pregnancy
It is best given before the fetus becomes grossly infected, i.e., before the last trimester.

3.Although various criteria have been set up to distinguish between relapse and reinfectiion
Treatment of such patients during pregnancy is recommended.

Exercise II
1.Un procedimiento similar fue desarrollado en China, pero aparentemente este no es usado hoy en dia
2.Suramin es una de las más importantes drogas usadas en el mal del sueño, pero este es amenudo ineficaz en sus etapas finales
3.apesar de las altas dosis usadas en los grupos B y C, los pacientes no experimentados efectos adversos durante la terapia inicial
4.La paciente  fue transferida  a un centro médico regional donde a pesar de cuidados intensivos de apoyo y la terapia intravenosa con choranphenicol, ella desarrollo sepsis y muerte
5.Los diuréticos son usados para tratar ciertos desórdenes pulmonares en los cuales se acumula líquido en el tejido pulmonar. Sin embargo  hay que recordar que el proceso de enfermedad subyacente en estos trastornos no se ve afectada por el tratamiento diurético.

Exercise III
"Este mecanismo protege el tripanosoma no sólo contra las drogas, sino también contra otras moléculas grandes de mecanismo de protección del host."
Exercise IV
1.Renal excretion of salicylate is highly dependent on pH but the evidence available suggests that diuresis alone has relatively little effect.
2.Assessing the value of treatment in acutely poisoned patients is never simple. Our different groups were reasonably well matched but the controls were only mildly intoxicated;hence comparisons with moderate to severely poisoned patients may not be valid.
3.although the correlation between urine flow rate and renal salicylate clearance was statistically significant, the magnitude of the effect was small compared with that produced by changes in pH. This is because the salicylate clearance varies in direct proportion to urine flow rate, whereas the relation with pH is logarithmic.
4.Forced alkaline diuresis appears effective as judged by the initial decrease in plasma salicylate concentrations but the recovery of salicylate from urine is disappointing and less than expected also the procedure is not without risk.
5.The primary object of forced alkaline diuresis is to intensify the removal of salicylate by renal excretion nevertheless efficacy has usually been assessed by the initial decrease in plasma salicylate half life rather than by the amount actually recovered in the urine. furthermore recovery has often been inflated by the general use of non-specific analytical methods.

Exercise V
1. aunque el curetaje(con biopsia de cuello uterino anterior o concomitante) es el procedimiento de diagnóstico más importantes disponibles, su valor como agente terapéutico no se aprecia plenamente.
2.El plan de tratamiento es preferible a la histerectomía seguida de la irradiación, aunque no cabe duda considerable en cuanto a la eficacia de profundidad de rayos X puede ser, sobre todo con leiomiosarcoma.
3.La quimioterapia es generalmente ineficaz (Malkasian et. Al.), Aunque más recientemente Hoovis ha obtenido una remisión de un año de sarcoma metastásico con ciclofosfamida
4.Sarcoma del útero es menos complicado que caricoma, sin embargo, las estadísticas precisas son difíciles de obtener porque muchas clínicas designan como sarcomas de bajo grado de lo que otros consideran sólo los miomas celular
5.El sarcoma endometrial es menos común pero más maligno que el leiomiosarcoma y el rescate es, probablemente, en la naturaleza del 25%. Sin embargo, hay una dificultad real en la evaluación de las estadísticas publicadas porque algunas clínicas incluyen los casos que otros interpretan como stromatosis benigna, hemangiopercytoma, etc

2. Urinary System Video Vocabulary
renal artery
renal vein
renal pelvis

3. Reading Urinary Systemit/itsIts wall is lined with mucous membranes and contains a relatively thick layer of smooth muscle tissue.
relative pronouns
In males, the urethra, which functions both as a urinary canal and a passageway for cells and secretions from various reproductive organs
connectorsUrine flows down partly by gravity, but mainly by waves of contractions
Adj. ing/ed
Several of the distal convoluted tubules merge into the renal cortex
the resulting tube is called the papillary duct

 although - even though / despite - in spite of 
1.although the weather was bad, we enjoyed our trip.
2.The children slept well despite the noise spite of   earning a low salary, Linda gave money to her parents.
4.John rarely sees Paul although they live in the same town.
5.Julie failed the exam in spite  of working very hard.
6.although  it was cold, she didn't put on her coat
7.Tom went to work despite not feeling very well.
8. Anna never learned the language although she lived there for two years spite  of the difficulty, they managed to climb to the top of the mountain.
10.  I couldn't eat although  I was very hungry

even though  -  even if  1.Peter refused the offer even though he needed the money
2.even though Mary has a car, she walks to work
3.James won't sell his car even if you offer him a good price.
4.even though the man was blind, he walked to the station.
5.We go running every day,even if the weather is bad
6.I love my job.  I wouldn't change jobs even if the salary was higher.
7.She gives money to charity even though she is not rich.
8.I wouldn't buy you a scooter even if I had the money.

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