martes, 16 de noviembre de 2010

READING ONE...Appendicitis

A. What criteria did you consider to select the reading?Because I don't know this disease ,  and I'm curious because I heard about this

B. What's it title?Appendicitis

C. What kind of publication is it?
it's informative about diseases

D.Important ideas of the reading. *Appendicitis is a painful swelling and infection of the appendix
*The appendix is a fingerlike pouch attached to the large intestine and located in the lower right area of the abdomen.
*Obstruction of the appendiceal lumen causes appendicitis.
*An inflamed appendix will likely burst if not removed. Bursting spreads infection throughout the abdomen—a potentially dangerous condition called peritonitis
*Symptoms of appendicitis may include abdominal pain, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea, inability to pass gas, low-grade fever, and abdominal swelling.
*A doctor can diagnose most cases of appendicitis by taking a person’s medical history and performing a physical examination. Sometimes laboratory and imaging tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis.

E. What did you figure out from the article? That the Appendicitis is a painful swelling and infection of the appendix and is typically treated by removing the appendix.

F. Write a conclusion The appendix is a fingerlike pouch attached to the large intestine and located in the lower right area of the abdomen.And the Appendicitis is a painful swelling and infection of the appendix that  is a medical emergency that requires immediate care, because An inflamed appendix will likely burst if not removed.

G. list of the vocabulary -appendiceal lumen
-health history
-Laparoscopic surgery
-appendiceal abscess
-drainage tube

H. grammar structures

1). Adjectives ending ing/ed.
Appendicitis is a painful swelling and infection of the appendix.

2). Modal Verbs.
 a doctor may suggest surgery right away to remove the appendix
 3). Pronoun IT, possessive ITS.
, a doctor may suggest surgery right away to remove the appendix before it bursts

4). Relative pronouns..
The doctor will want to know when the pain

5). Gerunds/Past Participle.
Blood tests are used to check for signs of infection

6). Connectors.
the appendiceal lumen and empties into the large intestine.

READING TWO... Growth Disorders

A. What criteria did you consider to select the reading?because I think this reading is interesting

B. What's it title?Growth Disorders

C. What kind of publication is it?Is of information disease

D.Important ideas of the reading.*A growth disorder, means that a kid has abnormal growth
*One of the body changes that happens during puberty is a big increase in your rate of growth — a growth spurt
*One of the chemical messengers the pituitary gland sends out to your body is called growth hormone
*When the pituitary gland doesn't make enough growth hormone — and sometimes other pituitary hormones as well — the condition is called hypopituitarism.
*Your thyroid makes a hormone called thyroxine. If it makes too little, the condition is called hypothyroidism

E. What did you figure out from the article? it is very interesting to know the different causes of growth disorder in children

F. Write a conclusion Everyone grows and matures differently.A growth disorder, means that a kid has abnormal growth, Although hormones play a major role in growth, there are lots of reasons why kids might not grow normally, for example ;Chronic diseases, Complications during pregnancy, Failure to thrive and Genetic conditions.But however Many of these growth disorders can be successfully treated today.

G. list of the vocabulary
-Genetic conditions
-pituitary hormones
-pituitary gland
-growth hormone

H. grammar structures

1). Adjectives ending ing/ed.
And that's a happy ending to any fairy tale

2). Modal Verbs.
Usually, kids with precocious puberty can be treated with medications

3). Pronoun IT, possessive ITS.
It's found at the bottom of your brain and is shaped like a peanut

4). Relative pronouns.
When the pituitary gland doesn't make enough growth hormone 

5). Gerunds/Past Participle.
You may also have inherited the tendency to have your growth

6). Connectors.
with very long legs and arms.

7). Present Perfect (Active/Passive)
These measurements have been put together

VIDEO == Cell-s organelles
 vocabulary list

-endoplasmatic reticulm
- vacuole

*Comment: the cell is the basic and smallets nit of a living thing.The cells need mitochondria to se their food to get energy.The nucleus controls everything and contains all genetic information of a cell.The endoplasmic reticulum is basically the high way of a cell. the vauole is basically the storage are of a cell.

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