Parts of Speech 1
speak-- verb
by-- preposition
cat-- noun
oh-- interjection
and-- conjunction
quickly-- adverb
beautiful-- adjective
they-- pronoun
the-- article
Parts of Speech 2
verb-- learn
preposition-- on
article-- an
adjective-- difficult
conjunction-- but
noun-- class
interjection-- hi
adverb-- slowly
pronoun-- she
Parts of Speech 3
Reading Homework
1. What's title?
Urinary tract infection
2. List the most important ideas.
*Urinary tract infections (UTI) are mostly commonly caused by bacteria and can affect any component of the urinary tract
*Women are more prone to UTI than men
*the most common infections are those of the Urethra and Bladder.
*If the infection affects your Kidneys and is found to be serious, you may require treatment for a longer period of time at a hospital.
*Symptoms of UTI are:
Burning sensation while urinating
Frequent urge to urinate
Leakage of drops of urine
*Tips to prevent UTI
Drink plenty of water or other liquids.
Do not retain or hold back urine.
After sexual intercourse, wash your genital area and urinate to wash away bacteria.
3. What did you figuere out from the article?
About what are urinary tract infections, know their symptoms, as well as taking into account any recommendations to prevent such infection.
4.Make a list of key vocabulary
urinary tract infections
5.Write a conclusion
Knowing the signs and symptoms will help you identify if you have been affected with a urinary tract infection and thus know how to prevent or treat the afection
6. find at least an example of the structures
1). Adjectives ending ing/ed.
Burning sensation while urinating
2). Modal Verbs.
he or she may suggest a urine sample test to ascertain the presence of bacteria in it.
3). Pronoun IT, possessive ITS.
When some urine remains in the bladder, bacteria can thrive in it and cause infection.
4). Relative pronouns..
When some urine remains in the bladder, bacteria can thrive in it and cause infection.
5). Gerunds/Past Participle.
During sexual intercourse, bacteria can be pushed into the Urethra.
6). Present Perfect (Active/Passive)
if you have been affected with a urinary tract infection.
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